world's most unique peacock gray peacock
/ Gray Peacock
The gray peacock-teasant (Polypalaktron bilikkarattum), also known as the Burmese peacock-pheasant, is a large Asian member of the Galliformes. It is the national bird of Myanmar
It is a giant pheasant, 76 cm long and grayish-brown with finely spotted green eye spots, an elongated bushy coat, bare pink or yellow facial skin, white throat and gray iris, bill and legs. sexes are very similar. But the male is smaller, darker and less stained than the male. The young look like the female. The gray peacock-sheep is distributed in the lowland and mountainous forests of Bangladesh, Northeast India and Southeast Asia, but excluding most of Indochina, as well as the entire Malayan Peninsula. The diet consists mainly of seeds, termites, fruits and invertebrates. The female usually lays two eggs.